Friday, May 1, 2009

Internet Marketing - The Truth.

I know, I know, you will say, another guy trying to make money on the Internet. Right?
Of course you are right. Only, what I have written here is not a sales pitch.
I am about to tell you the real truth about Internet Marketing that will change your life forever.
But first hear my story, it won't take long. I urge you to read my whole letter before you leave.
Or you won't find out what it is all about.
Three Years Of Horror On Internet.
About 3 years ago I purchased a computer to build a website for my personal business.
I found a local company who can build website for me (I had zero knowledge), but the price was too high and I told them to wait until I have enough money. Meantime I browsed on the Internet and learned how it works. I only knew how to play cards on my daughter's computer.

It didn't take me too long to come across “Work From Home” opportunities. Just like this one that you see on your right.

Oh boy, was I excited. I thought this is it, I don't even need my business anymore if I can make big money on my computer. So it began. I started joining companies, did surveys, MLM, get free website, build blogs, buy e-books, buy programs, earn per click and so on, and so on.
At one stage I used to receive 2500 e-mails a day. Even e-mails I never asked for, sound familiar?
Can you imagine the horror I was going through? That's not all, it got more scary. Read on.

First year I spent in my office, learning how to make money. I was at home only twice a day, 6am to have breakfast and take my daughter to school and 6pm for a supper. Day and night, no weekends, no holidays. There is no Guru that I don't know, there is no program I didn't join.
I was going crazy, my mind was blowing away and I couldn't take it anymore. My brain was overloaded from reading hundreds of books and thousands of web pages. Believe you me, this wasn't good experience because I didn't make a cent. Maybe I have, I wouldn't know. Read on.

Few companies called me with the offer of coaching me. They promised that in 6 months I will have my website up and running, but the price of $4000 to $5000 which wasn't for my pocket.
Although I have spend few thousands over three years by purchasing books, programs and all kind of secrets they promise to tell me.
Things was getting worse. Because I spent all my time on the Internet and neglected my business,
I nearly lost everything; my business, house, car and even my life. I am not joking. At one stage I thought I will have a heart attack because of all the financial problems. One of my friends said to me, “How do you know, you might already have”. I will have to see the doctor to find out.

I was about to quit my idea to make money on the Internet when I found Site Build It, in short SBI.
I can not express my feelings, it's just not possible. You have to go through it yourself, to experience what I have. SBI offered me all the tools to build a website, sorry build a Business,
plus many books for each stage of building a business.
They are:
Webmaster Business Course, Netwriting Master Course, Service Sellers Masters Course,
Make Your Net Action Sell! Masters Course, Make Your Price Sell. Masters Course,
WAHM Masters Course. (Work At Home Moms)

They all just like this one. Affiliate Master Course.
That's not all, you will have video tutorial - 10 Days Action Guide.
Yes, the video training, step by step on how to build a website.
Wait a minute, I forgot to tell you all about the tools. Tools to find concept for your site, choose right Domain name, the product, the suppliers, the demand, the keywords brainstorming.

Did I mention that domain registration is free?

No, no I am not finished yet, but this page will be too long to mention everything. No I am wrong,
it will be hundreds of pages and you can see them all right now with one click on any link in this page. Don't worry, nobody will ask for your name or e-mail address.

You will know how many people visit your site, from which website they come from or even from which country. How many pages they visited, how many clicks they make, what keywords they used and so on.

I didn't tell you about support you will have.
You can phone or send e-mail or just join Forum and ask any question you might have.
It's like one big family and I mean it, people even make videos about SBI.

Almost forgot, you can subscribe to Blog and get latest news from SBI.
They are aware of everything what happening on the Internet.
Here is a part of e-mail I am receiving from SBI.

Site Build It! Xpress

Keeping Your Focus On Business
No need for you to read 100+ Net-marketing e-zines, blogs &
feeds -- we do that for you. SBIX boils it all down and
reports only the important material you need to know.

You are always up-to-date and "noise-free."
It's all part of the overall SBI! policy... you should not
have to focus on keeping up-to-date. SBIX & the HQs deliver
ALL the key content and analysis that you NEED to know... to
BUILD your BUSINESS, the only thing you SHOULD focus upon.

How you like that?
Have a look what people, like me and you, achieve with SBI – Case Studies.
Every person who uses SBI, reach top 3% on Internet Just have a look, this is not what you think
it is, I can not fake that.

If you think it's too difficult for you to build a real website, then you can use SBI Service.

You don't have to learn any HTML at all. Just type in, click button Analyze-It and software will tell you about all mistakes and how to fix it, then click button-Preview and you can see what your website looks like and finely button-Build It. After that your website is submitted to four major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Live(MSN),, on autopilot. How cool is that.

Not one person is left behind. You will get help one way or another.
It's just not possible to fail with SBI. Ask any SBI owner, yes you will own Site Build It, not just a member of something.

It took me two weeks to unsubscribe from all those membership sites. I don't need them anymore because SBI has it all. I mean everything. All the others are selling piece by piece for mega bucks. The reason why they are doing it, is because thats how they make money.
The longer it takes for you to understand how it works, the more money they make. Or you keep buying their products: books, programs, software or you drive traffic to their website as an affiliate promoting their business all over the net. They are perfectly happy. Imagine all those 97% of the people on Internet make money for them.

Honestly I don't know how long this letter will be around. You think I am talking nonsense?
Right now they are busy developing new software to spy on you by using your very own money,
or money you make for them. They are stealing your commissions.
They can hack into your computer, read your files, steal your money and the worst part is, you pay them. Trust me they have the ability to take this site down in seconds.
They make millions, they can afford to employ any programmer. In fact they are programmers
themselves. They know how to write exactly what you want to hear it. Many so-called Gurus out there are not happy with what I do right now.

So, ask yourself where you want to be? Amongst those 97% who don't make money?
I know your frustration, been there done that. You don't have to convince me. I don't know you,
I don't know who you are and what you do and will never find out. One thing I know, if you are perfectly happy, you wouldn't read this right now and only person you lying to, is yourself.

Of course there are many good marketers who are willing to share their knowledge (their secrets) with you, but you will have to pay them too. One lady, well known marketer told me “There are no secrets, only learning process”. The thing is, you can learn all of it with SBI.

Back to my story.
Six months ago I couldn't pay my accounts and my telephone was cut off, my credit card was in arrears and I lost my website because I couldn't renew it. Shame I had visitors from 20 countries.
But I didn't stay away from my computer. I sorted out all my files, books, programs, software.

Shocking discovery I made on my computer, programs and files that I never knew. They had been spying and tracking my every move. I had to revamp my hard drive and the whole system.
Are you questioning my honesty? Remember when you downloaded books, programs, software and then you can not find them? It hides in your files, pretends to be something that it is not. The most clever people and even the FBI are trying to fight them. You know that, don't you?
You browse on Internet from site to site and minutes later you receive an e-mail: Hi! Thanks for visiting my website, if you want more info on my business.....I have a free book for you.... and so on. Sound familiar? Just give your e-mail and you are hooked.
I don't even remember how many times my computer was down. Up to three anti-virus programs
could not fight them.

After I did a revamp, I spent months reading all those books I collected over 3 years and guess what, all I needed I found in SBI books and videos. I can not tell you how stupid I feel by wasting so much time on all that (noise),which polluted the Internet. But I was relieved at the same time, better later then never. My life was about to change. I received my first cheque.
Ask yourself, when is it going too happen to you?
The decision is yours.

Take a Risk Free Trial

Still have questions? Ask and you will be answered.

Even if you are completely financially broke, like I was and cannot afford it right now, become an Affiliate of SiteSell and start earning while you learn. Yes, you will still learn everything about Internet marketing and how it works, for free.
About learning. Are you a student? You think that one day you will have a degree? This is just for you.
Over 25 Colleges and Universities use SBI to teach their students.
See how you can pay for your education. A 14 year old girl made a beautiful website, earning thousands of dollars per month while still going to school.

Are you not impressed with my writing? Guess what, English is not my first language. I didn't ask my editor to fix my writing on purpose.
And this is not about me, it is about you. Maybe you will do better then I have.
What language do you speak? People from all over the world used SBI.
I can send you information in German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Chinese.
All you have to do is ask. It won't cost you a cent.
Your future is in your hands.

I wish you all success on your journey.

Anatoli Graour
South Africa

PS. I do not brag with copy of my Bank account, thousands of SBIers can do that for me.
This is not about what I do, this is about what you can do for yourself.
I admit I made mistakes but I learn from it. What about you?
While I was off line I wrote an e-book related to my business. I am busy build my website in OpenOffice, when I am done, I will get my website back, copy and paste all my work and then...
Hello SBI !!! I am Baaack!

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